New to Nano (12 gallon advice)


Active Member
Just got back into the hobby and got a 12 gallon JBJ nano.
Got just under 10lb live sand.
15+ lb live rock/bleached rock.
I removed the nitrate remover/bioballs/carbon filter.
I removed the two large sponges from the left chamber (should I replace one?) I'm worried about larger-sized debris that may get sucked into those chambers.
I added a heater to the middle chamber.
I added an extra powerhead because the flow wasn't what I wanted - Any suggestions here where I can get good flow without the powerhead being too large? I was thinking about one of those small rotating wave makers.
The 50/50 lights bother me a little bit as I feel that they're not that efficent. Anybody have problems with these lights or do their corals do well under these?
Ultimately I was thinking a jam packed nano-reef type of tank. My wife wants a clown ("a nemo"), but I was thinking about a yellow clown goby.
Just really basically curious if someone could address some of the issues that I have and if they've got some good tips for dos/dont's with such a small tank.
I'll look around this nano forum for questions to my answers as well-thanks!
Yeah ok so with 12g I assume you have the nano cube? In any case, there is a thread floating around here about turning the back chambers into a refugium. In a nutshell one chamber holds chemi-pure elite and purigen, another chamber houses chaeto with a light, and then there is the return pump in the last chamber. I use this exact method and also placed pads of polyester fiber fill on top of my purigen to help in filtration. I don't know if you're going to find a skimmer that will fit in the nano cube. I personally removed the hood because it traps heat and the lighting sucked. I replaced it with metal halides and put a HOB protein skimmer (Eshopps PSK 75H). I hope this helps.


Active Member
Yes, nano cube.
I wanted to do water changes daily to every other day of like a cup of water. What do you think?
I seen the post about the refugium in the back and I really like that idea. I don't really want to remove the hood, but I do see the heat problem already. Being in Florida, the tanks here get overheated quickly. I don't want to go any heavier on the lighting because I'll certainly need a chiller. I may decide to go without a skimmer and go with just the refugium and the water changes I was talking about.
How often and how much do you do on your water changes?


10-15% water changes weekly is what I did in my 14. You don't need to do a water change everyday. I did 4 gallons every week and everything in my tank lived and thrived.