New to nanos


Active Member
I just got a 14 gallon Oceanic Biocube from my dad who upgraded to a 46 bow. I already have a 38 gallon, but I haven't researched much on nanos.
So I have a couple questions:
-I was told there was bioballs in the sump area, can i get to these to clean them?
-I read that the return pump had an adjustable output speed. Is this on the pump itself?
-I have the skimmer that came with it, should I use it? In which camber does it go in? the first? My dad said he couldn't get it to work very well, has anyone else?
I have water in it with rock and everything just kinda curing in there which is why I have some of the questions, but I didn't want to kill off the bacteria he built up etc. Thanks for the help, I need to learn the ins and outs of this thing.


Active Member
First off welcome to nano reef keeping
although some could argue that your 38 is a nano, but that is not the question. I would ditch the bioballs in the 2nd chamber. Replace it with some chaetomorph and a small submersible light, a mini-fuge if you will. Put some filter floss on top of the drip tray that way it will catch a lot of the detritus and other junk that could settle down in the fuge. I actually used some tin snips and cut out a piece of the divider between chamber 1 and 2, thus allowing more water to get into chamber 2, all 3 of my chambers now stay full with water. Generally people place the oceanic skimmer in chamber 1, there are mixed reviews on this piece and I have chosen not to run one on my BC14. Someone else will have to chime in to shed some light on that particular skimmer. Also the stock pump that came with it is not adjustable and pretty much sucks. My recommendation would be to replace it with a maxijet 900 with a hydor-flo attachment on the outlet. Also add a koralia 1 or a koralia nano for added flow. For reference I have a mj900 for a return and a K1 for extra flow. All my corals love it and the fish have no problem swimming in the tank. I think thats it for now, any other questions just ask


Active Member
I think I have a Koralia nano around here somewhere to put into it and I'll look into changing out the pump.
What kind of water proof light are you talking about? It would need to be bright enough for the chaeto, but waterproof, so like an LED light??