New to reef tanks... what light do corals need?


Ive had a tank set up for over a year and ive got the hang of basic stuff and would like to add some corals. Now i only have the light the tank came with. Is that ok for any corals? What light do you need (exapmles of medium or strong). Where can i get these lights (preferably without ordering online).


Active Member
your lfs can probably get them but may have to order them anyway, i am in the same boat you are i just got the mh 785watts for my 150gal. that way i can get what i want as my taste and expierience change i'm ready for it. you need to know what you want some corals (not many do not need any special light) pc's as a bare min. i think the next stronger one's are vho's then t-5's then mh the basic rule of thumb i believe is 4 watts per gal. but like you i am totally new to the coral scene i have my lights but still waiting for a hi-volume ph hopefully next week-end all equipment will be in place and i can start with some of the easier corals good luck to you tobin :happyfish


What size tank do you have and do you know what kind of corals you want?