Hi again, I'm wondering if I could get some recommendations for my first corals. I have a jbj 12 gallon deluxe nanocube with the stock lighting (2-24 watts, 50/50 I believe) so I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for corals that would work well in that setting so I don't kill things by getting inappropriate choices. I would like the most colorful selections I can safely keep together, and alive. I've got around 20 lbs. of live rock, 20 lbs. of live sand, and 10 lbs. of regular sand, 3 blue legged hermits, and 3 margarita snails (I think... dark grey with lighter grey streaks and a silver tipped shell). My ammonia is at 0, nitrates 0, nitrites 0, pH 7.8, alkalinity 240ppm, and my temperature is at 78. It's been running about a month and I've never tested anything higher than 10 for nitrates and 0 for nitrites, so I'm not sure if things are just going well or my test strips aren't accurate (mardel 5 in 1??- pretty cheap, probably worth what I paid). I have some apistasias popping up and my lr came with hair algae from the lfs, but I'm working on that and hoping for peppermint shrimp. Any thoughts?