New to reefs-corals?


Hi again, I'm wondering if I could get some recommendations for my first corals. I have a jbj 12 gallon deluxe nanocube with the stock lighting (2-24 watts, 50/50 I believe) so I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for corals that would work well in that setting so I don't kill things by getting inappropriate choices. I would like the most colorful selections I can safely keep together, and alive. I've got around 20 lbs. of live rock, 20 lbs. of live sand, and 10 lbs. of regular sand, 3 blue legged hermits, and 3 margarita snails (I think... dark grey with lighter grey streaks and a silver tipped shell). My ammonia is at 0, nitrates 0, nitrites 0, pH 7.8, alkalinity 240ppm, and my temperature is at 78. It's been running about a month and I've never tested anything higher than 10 for nitrates and 0 for nitrites, so I'm not sure if things are just going well or my test strips aren't accurate (mardel 5 in 1??- pretty cheap, probably worth what I paid). I have some apistasias popping up and my lr came with hair algae from the lfs, but I'm working on that and hoping for peppermint shrimp. Any thoughts?


hi, first you should bring your ph up. go with low light corals and sea fans, tube corals, plate corals, carnation corals, blue palm tunicates (not realy coral). low and medium light stuff. check out ***********.com they have a big selection and good info but this site has better prices.


Active Member
Mushrooms, zoos and polyps would be good starter corals. I'd bring the temp up to 80 -82 and the SG to about 1.025 for a reef system.


thank you
... I added some pH up and I'm going to gradually increase my SG... it was at about 1.021. I'm not sure that I'll raise the temperature too much... maybe bump it up to 80 or so.