New to Salt! Sick fish ICH!!!


New Member
I am new to this board. Great information. I have had 29 gallon reef tank set up for two months and everything was going fine UNTIL ICH has joined my tank. I purchased a small yellow tang 2 1/2 inches introduced it to my tank and 4 days later ich has taken over. I know that Tang is not recommend for this tank size but have a friend who is going to take it when it gets larger. I have read hours the last two days on this board about meds, everyone seems to have different opinions about what works and doesn't. Apparently the only safe thing to do is set up a quarantine tank ( which I should have done to begin with). Treat with low salinity and/or copper. Is this the best option? I need to do something quick. Can I set up a quarantine and immediately put fish into it. I'm worried about the quarantine tank cycling and killing my fish. Either way I'm nervous. Knowing what I know now I would have done this in the beginning.


Active Member
yes, the best approach is low salinity (hyposalinity). you have to lower the SG down to 1.009 (while the fish is in it) over a 48 hour period. and yes, 29 gallons is too small for a yellow tang.