What i try to tell people on my nano site is that 10 gallons are not impossible but not easy.
Yes it will end up being cheaper than a 55 gallon setup, but the work will be much more due to the fact that water is affected greater in smaller volumes than in large volumes.
Which is why i dont recommend 10 gallons for beginners and certainly i wouldnt suggest going straight into reef tanks as you have to know advanced water chemistry and make sure that those levels are stable in the 10 gallon.
Research would be key.3
With that said i would be a hipocrite if i told you i didnt start with a 10 gallon reef but certainly research is key and good luck.
My 10 gallon is all over youtube but here is the break down:
10 Gallon oak aquarium,
current USA 2: 40 Watt power compacts,
aquaclear 20 HOB
Cascade internal 300 filter/powerhead,
8 pounds of live rock(in dorm now, have about 20 when im home)
hermits, snails, peppermint shrimp
Pair of WC true perculas,
1 green chromis,
yellow polyps,
Very simple.