New to salt water. Just got a 12g Nano


Hi, i am new to the whole salt water set up. However my mom has a big tank and is walking me threw it. I just got a 12 gallon Nano tank from her. I am super excited. However i do have a question. How many fish can I have in a 12g Nano tank. I have read various things. I would ask my mom but im sure she is tired of me asking her questions lol!

tang master

well I use the rule of thumb for a new aquarium as 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons. and gradualy over the first year increase up to 1 inch of fish per 2 gallons.

small triggers

Active Member
you really cant do the 1inch per in saltwater,, the problem behind that thinking is alot of the fish we get as cute 1inch fish turn into horrible 1ft fish in a year sometimes....panther grouper vice a lawnmower blennie both 1 inch but the grouper is a very big messy eater...SO i base it one the adult size of the fish and what they eat.... so for a 12g,,, (same that i set up today actually) Id do 3 small fish or 2 small fish and some inverts like 2 shrimp and 2crabs.. Im doing a rainsford goby, a watchman goby and maybe a pajama cardinalfish or a sexy shrimp..