new to salt water need lots of help plz

i have 2 30 gal tanks im using geo-marine florida crushed coral test kit ph,alk,nh./nh4,no2 no3 is every thing it tests i also have hang on tank canister filter for a 55 gal 2 1 for each tank 2 skilter supreme 400 1 jar superbuffer-dhk lots of instant ocean salt 2 heaters 2 ZooMed Zoo Med Power Sweep #PS-30 Max 190/GPH 1 coralife 2 96 watt 5050 cp what else do i need one of the tanks i want to use for corals (easy ones) please help


Active Member
hi. you might try using punctuation so that people understand when your sentences begin and end. it's difficult to understand like that.
you might want to return the crushed coral. alot before us have come to the conclusion that cc traps alot of detrius, and will work against you in the long run. you are much better served with sugar sized aragonite based sand.
you can return the skilter 400's too. i haven't heard of anyone who has used them sucessfully.
take back the zoo med powerheads and buy maxi-jet 1200's.
i'd like to recommend you read the threads marked *sticky* for standard information about starting out.
good luck!