Originally Posted by
herm, first we would like to know what size tank you are going to set up, as for the sharks :thinking: they need a very large aquarium even a 3000lts system would not be suitable they grow BBBBBBBBIGGGGGGGGGGG! and need tons of room to get about.
it would be like having an elephant in a 20 x 20 cage.
this is not to discourage you from this hobbie but try cutting your teeth on other types :happyfish at
this early stage. please keep us posted on your new adventure and wellcome to the party
Thank you so much, i did do some research on sharks and all of you guys are right ! I think i will start with just fish and live rock as J.C suggested. My tank is only 55 gallons, and oh yea one more question, whta is the difference in a reef tank and other tanks taht has me stumpt.? Thank again for ALL your help, Alicia