new to saltwater


Ok heres the ? It's bin 6 weeks and now the ammonia is 0 and nitrite is off the scale . I'm getting brown color all over the live rock and tank ? is this diatom ...


Active Member
Originally Posted by rolling_g
Ok heres the ? It's bin 6 weeks and now the ammonia is 0 and nitrite is off the scale . I'm getting brown color all over the live rock and tank ? is this diatom ...
Yes, it's diatoms. They will go away with proper circulation/flow from power heads. What size of tank and filtration do you have?


Staff member
Yes, that is diatoms. Sounds like your cycle is comming along. Remember to feed your LR a tad each day to keep it alive.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Yes, that is diatoms. Sounds like your cycle is comming along. Remember to feed your LR a tad each day to keep it alive.
not to be a topic stealer...and they might want to know this too....i didnt know you were supposed to feed LR...what do u feed it?


I have a 125 gal tank with a 125 wet dry and a fluval 304 with a 250 skimmer . should I add a power head to the tank . the wet dry has a rio 2500 pump in it . Heres what it looks like


I do have the skimmer on . I used RO for the water . The brown color came after I put the live rock in the tank . I have to test the water today still .


anything I should do with this ? my LFS said to wait for some time to see what happens that did not sound good to me .....


Active Member
I would turn the skimmer off until your cycle is over. How long ago did you add the live rock and how much did you add?


Just got my water test today and the LFS said the cycle was done and I was feeding the fish to much . amm 0 no2 .50 no3 10 so he said to stop feeding the fish for 3 days and then to feed every other day is this right ? the live rock has bin in the tank for 2 weeks and I put 50 lbs in


what do you guy think My tank cycle is over . Will this go away or do I have to clean it out ? please help .........