New to saltwater


New Member
I wanted to start off by saying that already I have learned a great deal from some threads posted for newbs! My girlfriends dad gave me his 75 gallon tank for Xmas and it has lots of live rock and sand. We transported it with water at half mast so we could keep the live rock living. It came with 4 fish (2) 3 stripe damsels, a yellow and black spotted puffer (unknown name), and another unnamed small yellow saltwater fish 1/2" in size. After becoming more aware of how to add fish to the setup we added the following fish dusky jawfish, cinnamon clownfish, and a flame angelfish. They seem to be well situated now. The tank came with everything including chemicals, and he helped me set it up as well.
I have just a couple questions
The cinnamon clownfish keeps "digging" into the sand and I was wondering if this is because he doesnt have any live coral to play with? A friend told me he was just getting used to his surroundings, but I wanted to check this out and make sure something isnt wrong.
Also, the clownfish and angel seem to swim together around live the live rock and sometimes seem to bat each other with their side and back fins lightly. I havent seen any other fish do this especially with the clownfish as most of the other smaller fish run when he comes toward them. Why do they do this?
Any other help for newbs also is greatly appriciated too, thanks.


my 14 gal is 2months old afew days ago i got a mushroom coral and a button polyp i read marine snow was agood thing and if it is how do i know if they are eating any of it


New Member
I dunno, I'm new to saltwater too. You should put this question in your own thread I believe, as I have questions above that need some attention.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by salt.mama
sorry but im not sure how to start my own thread ,can you tell me
Sorry Happytank, I don't know much about fish, cause I generally run fish free reefs.
Salt Mama, return to the main forum board, click on the start a new thread button and ask your questions.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
It is normal for your clown to be digging with his tail,my gold banded maroon does this all day long.Hes basicly keeping his little home in order.


Active Member
The angel and clown are trying to establish who is going to be the boss. Hopefully they will eventually setup the different areas. Also long as you don't see any damage to either one you should be ok.
My one question for you is are those bubbles in your water or is it just the pic? Bubbles are not good in salt tanks and you will do best to stop them.

Nice stock list. Is this all the fish you plan?
What are your para.?
Do you have a clean up crew?
Just being nosey


New Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
It is normal for your clown to be digging with his tail,my gold banded maroon does this all day long.Hes basicly keeping his little home in order.
Ok good I was worried why he does this and the others don't. Thanks for this info!


New Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
The angel and clown are trying to establish who is going to be the boss. Hopefully they will eventually setup the different areas. Also long as you don't see any damage to either one you should be ok.
My one question for you is are those bubbles in your water or is it just the pic? Bubbles are not good in salt tanks and you will do best to stop them.

Nice stock list. Is this all the fish you plan?
What are your para.?
Do you have a clean up crew?
Just being nosey

Nosey is what I need right now! Yes those are bubbles, and I read this post just after reading another thread that said bubbles are to fix this I'm assuming I fill the tank more to keep the bubbling down to a minimum? I have a long hose with about 15 holes that spit water into the tank and this is creating the bubbles. I also read something about baffles...if someone could clairify that?
I heard from the owner of this tank that 8 fish is a good max so maybe 1 more? Im thinking a foxface, but haven't looked to see if he's compatible yet.
I don't understand para. (please clairify)
I don't understand clean up crew either...see I'ma newb


New Member
Water temp an even 77 deg.
I am going to get some strips today as the bottle that had them is empty.
Another question is how long should I let this metal halide run daily?
When to feed too? I been feeding them in the morning but I read that you should feed at night?


Active Member
Originally Posted by HappyTank3
Water temp an even 77 deg.
I am going to get some strips today as the bottle that had them is empty.
Another question is how long should I let this metal halide run daily?
When to feed too? I been feeding them in the morning but I read that you should feed at night?
Para. (parameters)= amm., nitrites, nitrates, cal., phosphates, mag., and what ever you plan to test for.
It would be better to get the test with the little vials with the drops. The strips aren't as accurate.
Clean up crew would be your hermits, snails, crabs, shrimp, any other invertes.

I love the foxface. Remember they are venomous. How long has it been since your last additions. You want to have like 3 weeks inbetween adding fish. Make sure you are feeding a good variety of food for your angel and if you get the foxface. They like meat and veggies, and angels like sponge. I feed in morning so they will have all day to finish nori. Some feed at night so nocternal animals eat also. You do what works for you.
Lights for 8 hours. Remember when adding new corals to acclimate them to the lights.


New Member
Originally Posted by mcbdz
Para. (parameters)= amm., nitrites, nitrates, cal., phosphates, mag., and what ever you plan to test for.
It would be better to get the test with the little vials with the drops. The strips aren't as accurate.
Clean up crew would be your hermits, snails, crabs, shrimp, any other invertes.

I love the foxface. Remember they are venomous. How long has it been since your last additions. You want to have like 3 weeks inbetween adding fish. Make sure you are feeding a good variety of food for your angel and if you get the foxface. They like meat and veggies, and angels like sponge. I feed in morning so they will have all day to finish nori. Some feed at night so nocternal animals eat also. You do what works for you.
Lights for 8 hours. Remember when adding new corals to acclimate them to the lights.

The guy at the store told me to buy the test tube kit too. So I did. Heres the readings:
PH 8.0
Ammonia .25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 80
I filled the tank up so no bubbles! hydrometer reads 1.022 now.
I was told there are 2 or 3 snails in the tank, although I have not seen them.
What do you mean a variety of foods for the angel? I haven't seen him eat any brine or mysin yet. They did tell me at the fish store he was eating mysin. He has mostly been sucking off live rock.