New to saltwater


New Member
I just noticed my clown is in contact with my sebae anemone for the first time ( that ive noticed). The anemone has moved itself inside a circular grouping of rock with less light and current than the rest of my tank. It has lost its bleached look and looks more "dirty" which im hoping is a result of microvert feedings two to three times a week. Is It normal for an anemone to take itself out of the light like this? Hoping one day it may move so it can see it better. bulbs are stock biocube 29 g 36w x 2
Thank you for any guidance


Welcome to the forum :)
It sounds like your Sebea is unhappy with the clown trying to use it as a host and is attempting to get away from it. How aggressive is the clown being with it? Some are worse than others.
How long have you had the anemone?
As a side note, that Sebae anemone will NOT survive long term with the stock lighting on the BioCube system. It just does not provide enough lighting for an anemone.


New Member
The sebae moved there after a live rock move so he may be unhappy with that or many other things i am doing but this is the first day i have seen the clown with him. Right now he is just sitting still and not really rubbing around. Can I help the light situation by extending the daylight period or by adding some kind of retro fit or sticking it near a window ( just kidding). Fish store tested my nitrates at a trace amount and my heater is set for 79 degrees.
There are three things in the tank that I prob should not have but i am going to do my best to keep them alive and well. I am not going to add anything else until my experience catches up with my inhabitants.
Goniopora folkensis
Mandarin dragonet- supplementing with added pods weekly


Adding to the light cycle won't do much. The amount of hours isn't what the anemone needs, it needs the PAR (basically strength) of the light.
There are quite a few retrofits that have been done for your tank. There is an LED kit available that fits right in and is very easy to do that will provide the anemone with enough lighting.
Do yourself a favor: Test the water yourself. Don't trust your store. You are a walking dollar sign to them. I can't tell you how many times I've seen stores say "Your water is great," and then people test it themselves and get completely different readings. It's even happened to me.
For your mandarin, you really should research how to train them to eat frozen foods. You've got the right idea with supplementing pods for it, but as it grows, you won't be able to keep up with the pods.