new to starfish..what to feed



hi, i have a 72 gallon bowfront with a niger trigger, huma huma trigger and a domino damsel and lots of live rock. i added a serpant starfish a few months ago and love him, except he hides all day and is only out at night. so today i added a chocolate chip starfish. my question is how, what and when should i feed the chocolate chip starfish? also should i be feeding the serpant starfish seperately as well or are they just scavengers. im reying on these guys for my cleaning crew because my triggers ate all of my crabs and my snails. any suggestions on any other cleaning crew that can survive triggers?


Only thing I have found that survived my triggers were sea hare's - my triggers turned on my stars shortly after adding them to the tank, that's when I had to set up another display tank and make it an aggressive only tank.......
I did have 3 or 4 giant scarlet hermits that lived in the tank for awhile also with them but they were eventually hunted down as well.....


Originally Posted by blkmonday
hi, i have a 72 gallon bowfront with a niger trigger, huma huma trigger and a domino damsel and lots of live rock. i added a serpant starfish a few months ago and love him, except he hides all day and is only out at night. so today i added a chocolate chip starfish. my question is how, what and when should i feed the chocolate chip starfish? also should i be feeding the serpant starfish seperately as well or are they just scavengers. im reying on these guys for my cleaning crew because my triggers ate all of my crabs and my snails. any suggestions on any other cleaning crew that can survive triggers?
Starfish and pretty much any invert are a triggers natural diet. You may get lucky, but I fear that starfish's days are numbered. Good thing the serpent only comes out at night


Originally Posted by usirchchris
Starfish and pretty much any invert are a triggers natural diet. You may get lucky, but I fear that starfish's days are numbered. Good thing the serpent only comes out at night
as far as feeding...I have a different kind of starfish, and I don't feed it just grazes. I am not positive about the chocolate star, but you may have to spot feed it. I would try to spot feed, and if it takes it great, but if you try a few times and it is not responsive I would let it be. JMHO


If you have any corals or anything immobile that you value in the tank the chocolate chip star will take it I my experience they are not reefsafe. My has killed plenty of other inverts and will continue to do so daily as a result of this I must spot feed him to keep him occupied but as far as the feeding goes it eats anything I give him


Active Member
I once had a cc starfish, I did spot feed mine. I would put krill or small silversides depending on how big this star is close to it and it will move ontop of it and have dinner. I use a stick for my tanks as I do not like to put my hands into the tank incase I ever had anything on them. Using a stick will be easier as you can hold it in place while the star moves to it.
As for the other star, I have heard of people dropping food infront of its cave and they will get use to this and come out and grab it. Does not hurt to give it some food as in my opinion our tanks do not have near enough food for these creatures.
I much prefer to see stars, scallops & urchins left in the ocean where their natural food source is there for them.
I don't know nothing about triggers only that they are very neat looking fish.
I do know that your CC star will tend to eat corals if they have the chance.
Good Luck