hello im new to sw. and i am going to start a sw. tank in the near future...i've been researching info for about 3mnths. now and i think im about ready (now all i need is the $$$$$)
could you please give me a run down on what ya think i should get (info such as stay away from rio is good) basicly i want to have some soft corals and sponges some percula clowns, a tang or two and what ever else you all think would go well with these fish....and in the very distant future id like to have a couple anemones. oh by the way i am considering a tank between 55 and 75 gal. i do intend on using lr,and ls. for a biological filter. i have no clue as towards skimmers,lights, and basicly anything else . i am going to purchase some books too because im sure you all are thinking that. so any help would be excellent. thanks