new to sw tank


New Member
I currently have two fw tanks, and starting up a 30 gal. sw tank. Right now I have mollies in the tank while it cycles. Would like to know how many and what type of fish would be good to start with.


I don't know much about mollies, but I think they will die if you are using them to cycle fresh water. They don't even live in brackish water, do they?
The general rule of thumbs I've always heard is 1" of fish per 5 gallons. You shouldn't do more than 6", which will kind of limit your choices.
Good luck!


Any type of damsel would be good to start with. I say this because they are inexpensive. They come in all sorts of breeds and can be pretty colorful. I will tell you that are very hardy fish, so they will not be the best indicator of your water quality.
1. start with cheap fish (damsels)
2. test water regularly
3. If they water tests are good, try a more expensive fish.
Don't move too quickly!

salty cheese

Active Member
1. Cycle your tank with a cocktail shrimp, lr or invisible fish.
2. Test the water and make sure it has stabilized.
3. Add fish that are appropriate to your tank size and experience and ones you plan on keeping permanently.