New to sw world and need help getting a sump together! Please!


I'm new to the sw world. My 45 gal tank has just finished cycling. I am going to add more lr & ls. Someone suggested to me to give my damsels & sponge to the lfs as adding the lr & ls will start a new cycle. I just found out what a sump was and I think this is the way I want to go. From what understand it will help stabalize my tank, also need to get a protein skimmer. Someone tried to help but I was confused. I need help pls rember this is new to me.

david s

beth checkout the tradeing section of this board there are alot of overflow boxes and sumps for sale and you can save a ton. get the U tube type overflow they are very reliable and cheaper than the fancy ones. as far as a skimmer for a 45 thats a tuff one if you have the money I would go berlin turbo. anything more would be overkill. and if you add live rock it will probubly start your cycle again unless it is fully cured lr from your local store.
if you get the rock from your local store ask him how long he has had it in his tanks if it is more than a month chaces are it wouldnt start a cycle again. and welcome to the saltwater world and this board
David S