New to the board!


New Member
Yes, I am a noob lol. Anyways, I have been coming here for several months just reading the post and reading about different set ups and advice that has been given. I love the board! Every morning this is the first thing I do. One of my questions is I have a 45 bow front with 75lbs of live rock, seaclone 100 skimmer(which by the way, I will be getting a better skimmer in the not so distant future) and a cascade 700 canister filter. What would you guys recommend as far as clean up crew? Right now, I have about 15 turbo snails and I was thinkin about getting a sand sifting goby and a cleaner shrimp...what do you guys think?


Active Member
first, 15 turbos is too many, 4 or 5 would be fine. what kind of fish do you have now?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by tangclownfish
Yes, I am a noob lol. Anyways, I have been coming here for several months just reading the post and reading about different set ups and advice that has been given. I love the board! Every morning this is the first thing I do. One of my questions is I have a 45 bow front with 75lbs of live rock, seaclone 100 skimmer(which by the way, I will be getting a better skimmer in the not so distant future) and a cascade 700 canister filter. What would you guys recommend as far as clean up crew? Right now, I have about 15 turbo snails and I was thinkin about getting a sand sifting goby and a cleaner shrimp...what do you guys think?

Welcome to the shy waiting several months.
Look to the left on this page under reef packages, and look and see what CUC goes best with your size tank, then tweak that list for what you like best. It will give you good idea of what you need to have.
wow i found this sight today lols and i joined any ways i think for 75 gallons u should use 3 sand sifters and 5 shrimp thats wat i would use but you can do different


Staff member
Never, ever get crabs. They will kill your snails. And many snails are worth their weight in cold. You didn't mention the kind of substrate you are using? Is the seaclone and canister your only source of water movement?


Active Member
ok, then your fine with the shrimp. What specific goby did you have in mind?
Also, if you want the sand bed stirred, there are snails that do that, i always get the type confused so someone else will help you there.
(for a cuc I have 4 hermits, 3 turbos, and two peppermint shrimp in my 29g.)


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ernestpolska
if u could use crushed coral pieces for substrate then you could use an engineer goby for stirring the substrate

My .02...I don't care for CC, I like the sand, it just looks nicer. You can get an engineer goby for that too. I use a sleeper goby but it will eat all the micro fauna out of your to have a refugium if you keep a sand sifting goby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Never, ever get crabs.
does that include hermits, i agree with most crabs, but i have blue lags and a halloween hermit with my turbos and there fine. However, i did get an arrow crab once and he killed my first set of peppermint shrimp then died, geatest ten bucks i ever spent


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Hunt
does that include hermits, i agree with most crabs, but i have blue lags and a halloween hermit with my turbos and there fine. However, i did get an arrow crab once and he killed my first set of peppermint shrimp then died, geatest ten bucks i ever spent

LOL...I like crabs too, and they will kill the snails for the shells. I supply mine with shells and they still kill the snails. I like the crabs better so I don't replace the snails. Sea slugs live in the rocks and clean as good as the snails ..IMO anyway..
It is a personal choice in the end.
lols wont an engineer goby cave in on himself if he has sand? btw i like sand better to lols
i threw out two bucket loads of cruched coral wen i was upgrading a 55gallon tank i got from my friend that was salt water and turned it into a freshwater............... i regret not doing saltwater..... but i dnt like big tanks i like the 29 gallon nano cube


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ernestpolska
lols wont an engineer goby cave in on himself if he has sand? btw i like sand better to lols
i threw out two bucket loads of cruched coral wen i was upgrading a 55gallon tank i got from my friend that was salt water and turned it into a freshwater............... i regret not doing saltwater..... but i dnt like big tanks i like the 29 gallon nano cube

Always make sure your rocks are solid on the bottom so no cave ins. The goby digs and clears out holes under the rocks. He is not digging a hole in the sand, he is moving it out of his way so he can hide under the rocks and he eats the tiny critters out of the substrate as he works.
ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i thought he made tunnels to get to the rocks..... but wait if the SAND CAVES IN HOW DOES HE GET OUT?
lols is he strong enough to dig up the 4 inches of sand reccommended for the fish?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ernestpolska
ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i thought he made tunnels to get to the rocks..... but wait if the SAND CAVES IN HOW DOES HE GET OUT?
lols is he strong enough to dig up the 4 inches of sand reccommended for the fish?

Hey it is their world, I just watch...LOL..I never saw one get stuck in the sand. I have seen mine take snails, crabs and even empty shells, and put in his mouth and go take it to another spot and dump it. He just arranges stuff to his liking. I have big piles of sand in one spot and down to the glass in another.


New Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Never, ever get crabs. They will kill your snails. And many snails are worth their weight in cold. You didn't mention the kind of substrate you are using? Is the seaclone and canister your only source of water movement?
Sorry! I forgot to mention that I have two coralife 750 substrate is live sand


New Member
Originally Posted by Hunt
ok, then your fine with the shrimp. What specific goby did you have in mind?
Also, if you want the sand bed stirred, there are snails that do that, i always get the type confused so someone else will help you there.
(for a cuc I have 4 hermits, 3 turbos, and two peppermint shrimp in my 29g.)
Anyone have any advise on these snails that he is talking about? Name?


Active Member
had to look it up, nassarius snails will bury themselves which helps keep the sandbed stirred an airated.