new to the hobby......................


hello everybody ive been on this site since october but nobody answers me anymore in the nano section
but i wanna start a 24 gallon aquapod and maybe later down the linea pico so any advise o what kind???of pico


All I know is that if you get a pico, be prepared for aLOT of work. top-ups daily, or more. And the params are really hard to keep in spec. Good luck.
ps. Since your new to the hobby, you should master normal tanks before you attempt a pico.


Originally Posted by nemo135
whats a top up or off?????because i was planning on getting a pico to
"topping off" means that you are replacing water loss (usually due to evaporation)
as stated above you are better off learning this hobby in a larger tank as it is easier to maintain and not quite as critical when it comes to fixing problems. The larger the system the more stable it will be. This, of course, excludes any diseases being introduced to the system.


Active Member
Clyde...more importantly, why has no one been responding to you? What type of questions have you had that have not been replied too. Sounds like you might have been in the wrong topic area. I have never had a question go unanswered, no matter how stupid if might have been. Some responses are a little more harsh than others, but in general, these people know what they are talking about, and are here to help.

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
hello everybody ive been on this site since october but nobody answers me anymore in the nano section
but i wanna start a 24 gallon aquapod and maybe later down the linea pico so any advise o what kind???of pico
i have a 55 and a 29 biocube and if u have the money i would def go with the bigger bcus its ALOT more easy and more fun


Active Member
Originally Posted by clyde:)
well is the nano section for asking questions or nano pics or what????
Good question...Look at the who's "viewing'. Some forums have a lot less than others. You probably posted in the right spot, but if you want quick anwsers, go where the majority are playing.


Clyde this was a holiday week. Not as many people have been on. Be patient. I agree that a slightly larger tank is much easier for a newer hobbiest.