New to the hobby


2 Basic questions...
In the show tank (26 G bow front) I have about 20-25lbs Live Rock, one clown fish and some inverts.
Recently small white creatures smees to be sticking to the glass. They are less then a 1/4 inch and are curled up. Is this good or bad. I also see them on the live rock.
Second question...I have a QT that I have set up. I have some snails and 2 emerald crabs in here. Can they live without live rock to pick food off of?
I feed this tank dried brine shrimp and flake.
Will they live?


Active Member
COuld the white things be Hydroid Jellyfish, can you post a pic of them? Altho 1/4 of an inch might me too big for them..
If Hydroid Jellyfish, relatively harmless, they look like snowflakes if this helps.
All the best,
Tim :cool:


On the crab and the snails, The snails could live on the film type algea but the crab could use a little more than flake and the not very nutritious brine. I will occationally give my emerald a small strip of nori or seaweed and he loves it. My suggestion here is to put a few small pieces of live rock in with them and use the nori.
The small white things on the glass could you describe them a little better? Do they look like tiny shrimp. Are they semi clear or just plane white?


They don't look like a snowflake to me...more like a tiny worm curled up. 1/4 inch may be way to long...
Here is my attempt at a picture....
Fuzzy...but you can see the relative size. They are a tight coil.


From what I understand, the qt should not have anything living in it. inverts can't live through the hypo process. My qt is empty, I know it is crappy to see an empty tank so I moved mine to the spare bedroom (also a quiet place for when fish are in there, no lights or tv). I still do water changes every two weeks, top off regularly and test the water every two weeks, but no life in there now.


New Member
I know this is off topic but since I am planning to buy a 26bow and you have one already... can you please tell me what the width dimensions are at the smallest and largest point? I have been trying to plan out my setup but cant find this info anywhere. I think the max width is around 15" but have no idea how wide it is near the sides. Please, some info here would be greatly appreciated :)


from what I understand inverts can't host ich or other fish diseases, so no need for qt'ing inverts. I never qt mine.