New to the sport.. Need some advice.


Hello everyone. I am actually a reptie enthusiast, but recently had a couple of tanks free up and decided I want to try a reef instead of more reptiles this time. I have read a lot on these boards and have gathered a lot of good information and I am really excited about starting my own reef, but i need some specifics for what I have. I have a 29 gallon tall glass tank, 20 gallon long glass tank, and a metal stand that holds the two tanks. Now I was thinking of doing the 29 gal on top for the reef and the 20 gal on the bottom as the refuge. Now what exactly what would I need to do/buy/build in order to set this up if it is possible? If anyone has any links to other threads that they recommend I read they would be helpful too. I was thinking of live rock (how much?) and live sand, with some coral, some good beginner fish, and some inverts (any suggestions?). Also have read about things that could live in the refuge, any suggestions? I don't really know too much about the saltwater life except for what I have read on here, I mean I am quit good with reptiles and freshwater, but this seems a little more complicated. Thanks for any and all suggestions or ideas. (Will post pics once set up or if any pics are needed let me know.)


Active Member
Sounds like a good plan.
You will need a hang on back overflow, look at the brand Lifereef, they make great overflows.
As far as turning your 20gal into a fuge, you have several options, the biggest thing you need to do is to partition off a section for your pump. You can have glass baffles (dividers) cut and then you can silicone them in yourself. You want three of them, you want the water to go, under, over, under, then you have your return pump, make the place big enough for a skimmer (if you want a skimmer) and your return pump.
Since your sump is your refugium, you don't want a ton of flow going through the overflow and through the sump, I would suggest a Mag 5 pump.
Since you will not have a ton of flow through the sump you will need to have some powerheads in the tank for currents and waterflow. I really like the pumps called SEIO, for a 29 gallon, two 820's would be good.
you will of course need Baserock, LR, sand, lighting for the tank and lighting for the fuge.


Thanks a lot Birdy. I do want to do as much stuff as possible on my own. So I think I will try to do the baffles myself.
Does anyone know of a thread or anywhere that I can find a diagram or photo of what this looks like for my setup, I still don't know exactly what some of the stuff you are talking about is and need visuals.
Also any suggestions on fish, inverts or coral for my size tank?


So a 29gal tall as your main tank and a 20gal long as a sump or refugium ?
Won't you need a killer light to get to the bottom of the 29 tall main tank ?
wouldn't it be easier to switch;
20 long as the main tank and the 29 down below ??


Hey Dweeble -
First off, welcome to saltwater fish. Im still quite new, and its awsome. Always check this site for help, your LFS (local fish store) might be trying to scrue you over to make money. Also do lots of research, books help a lot. Also you need to have lots of patients to keep your tank working properly. Once you get it set up, you will need to wait 2-4 weeks or so for it to cycle before you can add anything.
As far as fish / inverts / coral,
Fish - you are limited on fish because of the tank size. With a 29g tank you can get smaller fish like damsels (mean little fish that cause to much trouble!!) clownfish are good, very fun to watch. You wont be able to put in any Tangs (no matter that your LFS says...) Basically before you buy a fish, ask here or get good information before you buy them.
Inverts - I dont know to much about inverts, but you will need some crabs / snails to clean the tank. Also you migth be able to keep a starfish (im not to sure, but i think some type are ok for a 29g)
Coral - All your coral options are based on your light. If you want to go out and buy a high end light, you can keep most of the corals. But if you get a lower powered light, only some corals will work (Mushrooms, and a few others i cant remember off the top of my head)
Well thats about all i know as of now, i just started with reef tank, and its awsome. Just keep asking questions, everyone here will help you a lot.


pbienkiewi - Yeah that's the setup I'm going to use. Lights I don't have and money is not a problem, so I could get killer lights if I needed to, I just want to start on something small until I get the hang of reef life.
FinchFishs - Thanks. I can't wait to get it started, but I will be as patient as it takes. I don't trust my local fish store because of the info they gave me on previous freshwater fish and with my reptiles. But would it be better for the fish, inverts and coral to try and get them locally or order them online? As far as the fish I was looking at, Blennys (Midas is my favorite), Cardinals, Percula Clowns (maybe 2), a Dottyback/Pseudochromis, Gobies (possibly a pair of Firefish), and would there be any possibility of a Seahorse or a Wrasse of any kind? How many shrimp, hermits and snails are recommended for my size tank? One last thing, what, if anything, could live in my refugium?


Well i have never ordered anything online, but from what ive heard it is good. I would think buying them at a store would be easier on them, not as long out of a tank. But if the shipment was overnight thing, it shouldnt be a problem. For all this fish you mentioned, they should be small enough for a 29g. All them at the same time might be a little much, but you never know. Im not positive, but i think seahorses need to be seperate from fish. They attack fish or fish attack them i cant remember.


They all will work in the tank. But im not sure if they would all be able to go in at the same time. I think a good rule it 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons. But it all depends on how much swimming room they need, and how good your filtration is. Im no fish expert, but i think they are all non agressive and wont bother eachother. The clowns would be alright together.


And don't forget to clean those tanks good. I have my share of Reps. Snake pee would not be cool in your tank. I'd take them out side and fill them with boiling water and a gallon of vinager.