New to the world


New Member
Greetings, I am moving from fresh water to salt water tank, in the next week, and i need some help and suggestions. As to what to get for depth of sand. Filters and what not. My tank comes with a 125 wet-dry not completely sure what that does for a salt water tank. And it comes with lighting but again not sure as to what type. I have read stuff about protein skimmers and was not sure what those were either and if i needed one with a tank of this size.
1. Tank size - 125 gallons
2. Filter - 125 Wet-dry
If you can suggest to me as to what i should put in it and when to get my ecosystem in line to handle the fish please let me know.


protein skimmers take poop out and start with live rock or lr first how long did you do fresh


New Member
I have had a fresh water tank running the same one for over seven years and most fish from the start. After a while it was self sustaining by itself. It was much smaller thank though also. Was 20 gallon i think.