new to this hobby


New Member
Hey whats up guys? New to this hobby lookin for a little advice i have a 30 gallon salt water tank lookin to set it up right i have in the tank live sand live rock. Seein if anyone has any ideas on my next step its been set up for 3 weeks or so and another ? will my live rock actually grow things off the rock or do i have to put other things in the tank very new sorry
Hello Mike,
Welcome to the boards, You have come to the right place for information. These guys and gals on here can answer almost any question you may have.
I would say that you need to get a good test kit first and do some tests. make sure all your parameters, i.e. ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, etc. are within specified ranges and you will know your tank is finished cycling.
Add livestock slowly and carefully, paying attention to what can and can't be put together.
Do plenty of water changes to keep the nitrates and phosphates down.
And ask questions until your keyboard fingers bleed.
Anyway, welcome again and good luck.