New to this whole thing...


New Member
Well hello,
My name is Austin and I am new to the Forum. About a month ago, I started my journey with building my salt water fish tank...
After week one, I took all the old fish out and brought them back to the store, deep cleaned the rocks and Decor, scrubbed the walls like crazy, and bought all new sand and stuff. I have finished cycling the water, and I have three little damsels in it for now... Oh yeah its a 95 Gallon Tank. The fish have been living healthy for a good week and I was wondering when you thought it would be fine to add some Coral in their? And also what kind? I will add pictures of the tank if you want!


Well-Known Member
Pics would be nice.
Welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay.
Look over some other builds that are on this forum and you will get an idea that there are many different styles of setting up and taking care of a saltwater aquarium. What I recommend for you right now is to just start out as a fish only with live rock tank so that you can get used to that first. Then, once you have read a couple of books and you do some more research on lighting, flow, nutrients and feedings then you can ease yourself into keeping corals.
You will have to do a full range of tests on your water quality, salinity, temperature stability and pH. Then, you will more than likely need to update your lighting to a more suitable reef lighting fixture. After that, you will have to learn how to control nutrients in your system by doing proper water changes, the use of a skimmer and/or scrubber and macroalgae. Once you have your nutrients under control and good test kits, you may want to make sure that you have proper water flow and patterns. All of this leads to a healthy tank over the course of time.
Please read the articles listed here:


Well-Known Member
+1 more research and reading man... sounds like u should just leave things be for now and let ur tank do its thing so to speak.
Also Welcome austin! I kinda come and go but ...Any questions ask away.


Well-Known Member
most begginer corals are mushrooms and zoos/palys...after that id say some leathers like toadstools or fingers.
HTHs and give it some time...nothing to rush!