new toadstool- how long might it take to stand?



My toadstool arrived thurs. afternoon and is appearing to be shedding. some of its pollyps are out, but not all, and it is still flopped over. As far as i have read, this is normal. My question is, how long should this possibly be going on for, and when should it be standing up? there doesnt appear to be any deterioration around the base, just folding. I assume it is ok for the head to touch the substrate as it is lying down? Also, I have read that sometimes they do well with higher flow or lower flow. Right now the flow is not very high on it, and I'm wondering if i should move the powerhead to give it some more flow. It is on the sbstrate and under 4x24 t5 nova extreme in my 20 g. Cheers for any insights.


it could take a week to 2 weeks or so for it to fully open. if you move it before it comes out fully it can reset the time frame for it to come out. I would just leave it where its at since it looks good just shedding off. leathers will also do this occasionally as they grow and shed the outer layer off.


it is looking like the head is 'growing' a bit and most pollyps were out today, just still slumped over in the sand bed with a deflated looking stalk and wrinkles in its head. I'm sure it will be fine, as it is looking better. cheers