NEW toadstool


hey every1 i got me a toadstool leather today for $25... heres a couple pics and by the way what do u think that white stuff is on the stalk it lookes to me like some crushed coral or something?



thx, it already opened today, but the polyps only came out like a millimeter.The polpys looked red. Hopefully tomorrow they will come out alot. I really wanted my clown to host something but i guess he wont. Their is a gsp and that toadstool that he hasnt even looked at. maybe i should try another clownfish.


Active Member
very nice reef dude. just give your clownfish some time. i had a sebae anemone for about 4 weeks. took it about 3 weeks just to get use to it and start hosting it


Active Member
It didn't die. It is very pretty!!!! There are browns and yellows, and greens and it looks like you just got a cool color variation of the brown!! Very nice addition!


Active Member
Originally Posted by promisetbg
It looks like it may have been dyed.I don't think toadstools come in red..very pretty though.
Oh, u meant it as dyed, not died. If someone tried to DYE the coral, it would DIE.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
Oh, u meant it as dyed, not died. If someone tried to DYE the coral, it would DIE.
i think he means dyed


Active Member
Originally Posted by pitbull01
Oh, u meant it as dyed, not died. If someone tried to DYE the coral, it would DIE.

that is not entirely true. many corals are dyed. alot of times it does kill the coral but in just as many cases the color over time will simply fade away. thats particular toadstool looks normal to me. just a nice rich brown. nice coral