New tomato clownfish and their (her) new home


Active Member
traded a metal halide fixture in for store credit and picked up these two goons. still have some store credit left over though.
female and male took to the anemone that same night they were in the tank and female loves it. anemone must like it too since it doubled in size. the anemone has been in my tank for a long time and has stayed in the back of my tank because of my powerheads

Goon #1 in the anemone (female) and Goon #2 (male) on the right hanging out


Active Member
looks really nice. my pair had something on their skin that ended up looking like ich, but i guess water quality and feeding them heavy everyday boosted their immune system. now theyre healthy, female has gotten bigger and has a crazy appetite


Active Member
I used to have a breeding pair of tomatoes probably the meanest clownfish I have ever seen when guarding eggs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
I used to have a breeding pair of tomatoes probably the meanest clownfish I have ever seen when guarding eggs.

are they aggressive only when they have eggs or do they get very territorial?
also im in the process of cycling my 75 but its going to be bb without their plta, so im wondering if theyll be ok?