New trigger has ich


New Member
I have a 55ga fish only tank with only a 3 stripes damsel in it.I just purchased a picasso trigger and put it in there.
Well it has ich.I know about the quarantine deal but i didn't bother since i only had a damsel in there.
I actually have a cycled 10ga tank.
The trigger stays in the upper section of the tank, is very active (back and forth constently),hides when i approach,colors are fine and he eats well too.
His behavior seems fine to me.I saw him scratch only once.
Shall i be worried? Shall i wait and see or take action?
If i have to take action shall i?
1)Quarantine trigger and use copper/malachite green medications along with dropping salinity level and raising temperature?
Is it safe to use copper with a trigger(Read that some scaleless fish can die with copper).
2)Treat 55ga with copper (Accepting the fact that i will never put invert in it) and malachite green.
3)Buy a wrasse or cleaner shrimps?How effective are they?
4) Do a freshwater bath?
Thanks to offer advice