new user


hi all
just droping a line to say hi and introduce from ohio(big surprise)im 30 years old and have been into saltwater for about a year(had freashwater all my life just got bored),this looks like the place to be to discuss SW so here i am.
i have a few questions im sure u guys can help me with...
i recently had to pull a female blue devil damsel out of my tank becuase she was tearing up my xenia`s (is this normal)she left it alone most of the time then 1 day she hammerd on it all day while i was gone and killed it????:(...
i have a green frogspawnand every now and then it drops off little green like bud looking things is it trying to reproduce???
and just fyi last night i took a pic of my clown inside my BTA and my anemonie crab is on it to its a sweet pic:)maybe ill puit it up sometime
90 gal SW
30 gal SW isolation tank in base
70 pnds LR
100 pnds live sand
3 spot damsel
3 tangs (yellow,sailfin,regal)
1 -6 line wrasse
pair of Blue devil damsel`s (fem&male)
1 mandarin
2 common clowns
1 clarkie clown
1 anemonie crab
1 bubble tip anemonie
1 condy anemonie
1 tridacna squamosa CLAM
1 full rock of button polops
i full rock of green mushroom polops
umpteen featherdusters
3 peperment shrimp
1 sand sifting starfish
thats about all...

coral boy

welcome clamps
post that pic.i have an anamone crab that wont go near my anamone it just sits on a rock next to my feather duster


Active Member

Originally posted by CLAMps

i have a green frogspawnand every now and then it drops off little green like bud looking things is it trying to reproduce???

I've been seeing a few little glowing green buds on my rock lately too. Anyone know the answer to this question?
And welcome to the board:)