New Volitan Lion


I just got a new volitan lionfish tonite. He is in a 75g, non reef tank, alone by himself. Is it true that I should only feed him every 3- 4 days?? The LFS said he ate today and has been eating great (silversides, krill, brine) so I was going to wait to feed him again til Monday?? Also is it true that it is a bad habit to get into feeding them live feeders?? Thanx :D
I have a spot fin lion, one thing you will notice about most lions is when they eat you can tell by their stomachs bulging. Even with a huge bulge they will act hungry. I feed mine a couple small pieces of frozen shrimp a day. Every few days I will spice things up and throw in a ghost shrimp. DO NOT use feeder fish like goldfish and stuff, its bad for them and will eventually lead to malnourishment and death if continued long enough.


i feed my lions every other day. do not feed any fw feeders. even ghost shrimp are not good for them.
Why arent ghost shrimp good for them? In the case of my species of lion(spotfin) shrimp are their primary food source in the wild followed by other crusties. Not arguing just curious since ghost and grass shrimp are my secondary food for him.


My lion gets 2 tetra Jumbo shrimp a day.
He also eats a good amount of Formula one and Spirulina formula frozen foods for variety.
No live food.
The shrimp and frozen foods are suplimented with all the good vitamins, and I add more so he gets everything he needs without live food.
He's more than doubled in size, about 6" body.
never knew ghost shrimp were fw. The ones they sell at my LFS are salt and look exactly like the shrimp I can catch under my dock and its on saltwater also. We might be talking about two different shrimp then.