New Website...


Active Member
I like it!! I know there are some complaints but all in all I think it's a good move. I have seen many new features that everyone is discovering so if you have found a new feature please share with the rest of us!!
Here's a couple I've seen :)
1. Multiple pics can be posted on a single post.
2. Quick response!!
3. It's much
easier to modify the fonts.
Anyone have anything else??


Active Member
and it could be if you wanted it to... :D I don't have a problem seeing the text at the default size. I'm not sure if my monitor is different than others or if I just have it on a different setting??


Active Member
Something else I just found out... we can now use host sites to post pics... before it would just show a link...


Active Member
All sorts of options!
  • I can do a bullet list
  • I can get the reply to a post in my email
  • Quick reply!
  • Related threads!
    All manner of fancy editting stuff for the posts
    The first message appears when you mouse over a thread
I like it!!! :D