New week old tank; LOTS of stuff on live rock!


New Member
What is this stuff?! Obviously we are new to this, lol.
This white thing has been on the rock since we put it in the tank, and last night was the first night we saw it do anything, looks like a feather duster, but i didnt think they were stationary??

Guessing this is a bristle worm?? Good or bad?

3 very small, white, dead tree looking things.. what is that???

We are guessing this is a mushroom polyp? Not sure..

When I took this picture, the white one disappeared, then slowly came back out after a minute or so. There is a darker, red/green one above it. Are these feather dusters?

Also, when we first put the rocks in, there were round, black bead looking things. TONS of them all over one rock. Now there are maybe 2-3 I can find, but the rock below it now has half circle, little white spagehttio lookin things.
Here is a pic of some of the "bubble" things.. they are lighter color now, almost greyish.. when we put the rock in there were a bunch and they were very dark and black.

But now that there is only a few black bubbles left, I've noticed TONS of the white circle things on the rock below the black bubble rock.. wth. Ignore the sand.. we got a damsel from a friend to help cycle the tank and that fish does nothing but kick up sand constantly. lol THANKS!


Well-Known Member

First, someone is going to ream you for cycling with a damsel... I do however understand why your friend was glad to give it to you..They are evil mean fish that will kill everything you put in the tank with it, including biting your hand and drawing blood.
You are correct, you identified #1, #2, and #4...#6 is bubble algae, looks cool but will overtake the tank so you need to carefully remove it by hand and try not to burst the bubble.
#3 and #5 I don't know


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by polkadot_moose
Thanks! #3 is VERY tiny.. prob 1/16th of an inch I should add.
I had no idea about the damsel! Why are they so bad??

They are very beautiful fish, just very aggressive and territorial. Any critter including your hand it sees as a threat.
Depending on what else you want in the tank...choose your fish wisely.
On Pic #3..they don't get any bigger, I have it in spots for years, they come and go...what they are called ?????