New Weekend Pics of our 125!!


Active Member
Just bored, and decided to take some pictures of the tank and the new purple tang and cleaner wrasse! Enjoy!



Active Member
Thanks for the comments everyone!! Keep them coming!!
Alyssia, as far as I know, he's a cleaner wrasse. I've had him since Wednesday and he's eating everything that we put in the tank!


Active Member looks like a cleaner wrasse to me. I had two cleaner wrasses for 6-8 months or so...then one day one just dissapeared, I don't know what happened to him, maybe he got eaten or sucked down the overflow...couldn't find him. but like you say, mine both eat everything everyone else eats so starvation did not appear to be an issue. The remaining wrasse is big and fat and fine. I did read somewhere once though, maybe on this website, that you should only have one per tank...not sure why, whether it be worrying about them getting enough parasites to eat or whether they are aggressive towards each other...never found out for sure and was thinking maybe this is why one ended up missing?they are very cool fish mine


hey, u have an awesome tank setup. and was that a watchnab goby in one of those pics? oh, u mentioned in one of my threads that u no a guy that might tour with atreyu? i no this is alot to as but... do u think u could ask him if he could get stuff from them?...t's, autographed cd, or autographs by themselves....idk, i love then and sadly they r performing aboyt two miles from my house in like two weeks, but i cant go

just let me know. my email is


Active Member
Originally Posted by sethw
hey, u have an awesome tank setup. and was that a watchnab goby in one of those pics? oh, u mentioned in one of my threads that u no a guy that might tour with atreyu? i no this is alot to as but... do u think u could ask him if he could get stuff from them?...t's, autographed cd, or autographs by themselves....idk, i love then and sadly they r performing aboyt two miles from my house in like two weeks, but i cant go

just let me know. my email is
Nothing like a highjack SethW.
Seannmelly, love the tang; is that ICH or spots on your glass?


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Nothing like a highjack SethW.
Seannmelly, love the tang; is that ICH or spots on your glass?
Thanks he's great. It is not ich, for some reason the powerhead is blowing micro bubbles, I want to take it out, but it's keeping the surface of the water clean(there was a film on the surface and it was pretty scummy). I wish I could get a good picture of him, he's been at the lfs I work at for 3 months and w/ a price tag of $110, there's a reason for him being there so long!! He eats like crazy, and he is pleasantly plump!! He is still very new to the tank, and still kind of skittish, hopefully in the future I will be able to get a good picture of him!! Thanks again!


Active Member
nice pics and your new tang looks healthy. I have to ask though.....did you quarentine your new fish cause it sounds like you put him straight in since you have only had him since WEd.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dmjordan
nice pics and your new tang looks healthy. I have to ask though.....did you quarentine your new fish cause it sounds like you put him straight in since you have only had him since WEd.
I did not quarentine my new tang. I feel that he was healthy enough to put into the main tank. Like I said, he was basically quarentined at my lfs, because he was there for 3 months.