New White Sebea Question


I just purchased a white sebae with purple tip yesterday. I've searched the boards this morning and have been reading up on other posts regarding keeping sebeas.
A few people here mentioned that White Sebeas were NOT the species to get and I was wondering why and if people who have white sebaes can chime in.
I have an 80 gall tank with 2 false perc clowns, a blenny and 2 cleaner shrimp. The clowns have not begun hosting yet. The Sebae looks like he's happy so far, has not shrunk up or anything and I noticed he moved a little bit overnight.
Also, should I be worried about the Sebae eating my clowns? Saw a few posts about that.
Clowns have not begun hosting yet.
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Sabea's are not naturally white. A "white" sabea is bleached... meaning it has expelled all of its zooxanthellae. After the anemone expels all of its zooxanthellae it can no longer use light for nutrients. It is now completely reliant on captured foods.
I would feed it a few times a week minimum. Good luck...


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefNut
Sabea's are not naturally white. A "white" sabea is bleached... meaning it has expelled all of its zooxanthellae. After the anemone expels all of its zooxanthellae it can no longer use light for nutrients. It is now completely reliant on captured foods.
I would feed it a few times a week minimum. Good luck...
as I dont have any experience with anemones, my question is this.. A buddy of mine with a LFS just got in a sebae anemone, it has purple tips, and looks very healthy.. it doe snot look bleached as the white looks like it should be that way.. Is it possible of a newer unknown sebae anemone that actually is white with purple tips?


Here is a photo of a white sebea that belonged to broomer5


Here it is again after receiving proper lighting for several months. This is the same sebea anemone.


wow Thomas! those pics are great, they look pretty big. mine is rather small...
will my 2 clowns host a small one?
how long typically does it take to get that big?


Originally Posted by crashedin0
so this web site sell white sebeas pre bleached ! thats some stuff well i am just gonna over feed that mofo
:hilarious :hilarious 2 funny :hilarious :joy:


they never have what i want in stock so instead of peach sebea i setteled for the white one think it will be the same also i figured the florida condi is white some carpets ive seen where white so i just bought(no lie 8 hours ago) it and now i hear this