New with questions!


New Member
Hi, my husband and I will be using the same username here, if that is okay!
We are new to saltwater, I've kept tropicals off and on for 30 years, and he and I have been breeding African cichlids for the past 4 years. We got into the cichlids mainly because we were terrified to try saltwater, but we've finally taken the leap!
We have two small saltwater tanks going (30 and 5G), fish only, with a bit of live rock, but haven't ventured into any corals or anything yet, just wanted to make sure we could keep the fish alive first!
Well, we've been bitten by the bug, and are clearing out a 55G to go saltwater.
My main questions are regarding the protein skimmer and UV sterilizer.
Do I need both? And at what point do I add them on the new tank? Would I want to cycle the tank prior to adding either of these? Are both necessary for coral?
Any and all thoughts are welcome...We're definitely in the learning phase with all of this.
Thank you in advance for your help!


Welcome to the boards!
No, both are not necessary at all, I have neither on my 20 gallon. A skimmer helps with a large bio load, and is always helpful to have, but not necessary. I have yet to be convinced on the purpose/helpfulness of a UV sterilizer in my 4 years.


Also the other poster stated, not needed but helps. I would put the PS over the sterilizer.
It should be easier keeping the 55 over the smaller tanks. More water and less inpact on the residents inside your tank id something goes wrong.