new with salt water


New Member
Hello everyone
this is a simple question I hope. I have a 55 gallon tank I wnat to start a salt water tank with it . Can someone tell me how many fish can i put in the tank and can i buy them all at once or shouls i buy only a few at that a time? Also should i start out with a certin fish to start the tank out with?


Yea thats defiantly good advice, i have been researching for the better part of 2 months now before i start up my 45g saltwater tank and everyday i learn something new. From what I have learned so far patience and understanding is the key, take your time, know what your buying ask some questions then take some pictures.


welcome to the board hotbomb. i ahve a 55 and all i have and am putting in in the near fututre is my pj cardinal (now), 2 clown (false perc)(future), and a royal gamma (future). the rule of thumb is 1 adult inch of fish for every 5 gal of water. as you get more equipment and better equipment you might be able to push that to 3 inches for every gal or even 1 to 1. take the peoples advice though read read and read. ask lots of questions and get second opinions on everything. i advise you put in one species of fish at a time about 1 month apart.
but thats my $.02


Active Member
Both of the above posts are excellent posts to keep in mind, hotbomb40. No matter how smart you are, you are always learning new things about this hobby. My favorite book is "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" by Robert M. Fenner. Of all the Marine books I've read, that one is my favorite by far. It gives in-depth explanations about setting up new tanks, the equipment involved, very good advice, plus in-depth reports about all types of fish.
Remember, do not rush into anything. Always know what you are buying before you purchase it, know what it eats, know how much it needs to eat, and if it will peacefully live in your aquarium.
Most experienced aquarists never buy more than one fish in a two or three week span, especially in such a small set-up as a 55 gallon tank.
Good luck, and take your time.