New Yellow Leather



I got a Yellow Leather yesterday and it seems to be doing great so far. This is my first one though. Anything I should know about it? Like placement, food, flow? I have 65gal with 240W T5 w/ idividual reflectors. Also does it like to be placed in the sand or rocks? Right now it's within 4" of a Devil's Hand.
I'll try to get a picture of it, see if you guys think it's healthy.


Active Member
keep it a fair distance from ther leathers to reduce combative chemical release. run carbon often to reduce the chance of build up of terpines, high light moderate to heavy flow, dont touch the flesh of the sarcophyton it can lead to protozoan infections and/or bruising. the yellow fiji leather is the most sensitive of the sarcophyton family and doesnt tolerate the cutting forms of propagation as well as it does constriction.


I usually run carbon 1 week a month. Do you think that's enough? I have 3 leathers in my tank: a big Devil's Hand, a very big Toadstool and now this Yellow Leather.


Thanks, but that picture is actually the most interesting side of my tank. The right side is still under construction. And the sand is a collection of different mushroom, ricordia and other mixed frags and a big clam.


Active Member
nice yellow! i am jealous. i hv no room to hv a yellow. where u hv it is a very good spot since yellow need more lights than other leathers.