new Yellow Tang not moving, breathing hard


I just received a Yellow Tang, , 2 Lawnmower blennies and snails from SWF.
Everything looked great when I received them yesterday.
Yellow Tang hid for a while and then started swimming like he owned the tank. no problems with other new additions or previous fish.
skimmer, lighting, temp all normal.
Just found Yellow Tang leaning against power head. I moved him and he slowly swam to bottom of tank and is leaning on a rock. He looked fine 2 hours ago.
One tank problem-had an outbreak of green hair algae. Cleaned most of it out and hoped the new fish and snails would help.
Any ideas?


How long has this tank been set up ? Ammonia is toxic to fish - ideally you should have none. How was the fish acclimated to the tank? Also need to know your PH and SG readings.


Tank is 8 months old. 6 months with fish and corals.
Fish was drip acclimated for about 2.5 hours according to directions.
ph 8.04
sg 1.025
2 clowns, hippo tang, 2 engineer gobies, scott's fairy wrasse, 2gbta's (he split about two weeks ago) and new blennies appear fine.
all water qualities have been zero. While cleaning hair algae two days ago, I stirred up quite a bit of sand while moving rock and cleaning sides. Could that have caused the amonia to rise a bit?
The corals that were moved around and their rocks cleaned look a little under the weather. corals that were not taken out of tank or knocked around during cleaning look good.


Originally Posted by Deric203
Tank is 8 months old. 6 months with fish and corals.
Fish was drip acclimated for about 2.5 hours according to directions.
ph 8.04
sg 1.025
2 clowns, hippo tang, 2 engineer gobies, scott's fairy wrasse, 2gbta's (he split about two weeks ago) and new blennies appear fine.
all water qualities have been zero. While cleaning hair algae two days ago, I stirred up quite a bit of sand while moving rock and cleaning sides. Could that have caused the amonia to rise a bit?
The corals that were moved around and their rocks cleaned look a little under the weather. corals that were not taken out of tank or knocked around during cleaning look good.
You could have had a small ammonia spike from moving the sand. Take a good look at the YT. Does he look like there are any problems besides him not adapting well? Do you see any spots on him or a pinched stomach?