New !!!!


Ok here goes, I'm not particularily new to the hobby Ive set up a few tanks but this is all new and well fact is I think it is every time.... But either way Ive decided to go with small tanks this time for now, I still have my 75 gallon but its taking everything Ive got to get these 2 going... Heres my idea see what everyone thinks, first of all I couldnt decide weather I wanna start with a seahorse tank or a sps tank with clams... SOOOO why not start both right. Sooo for now Ive gotten a what seems to be a
1) 19 gallon tall eclipse tank with a soft sand substrate apparently alil too much I bought 30 lbs and put 20 lbs in almost 6 in of sand ooopsss... ( IS that going to be ok??? or should I remove some??? ) BTW this is going to be my seahorse tank. Is there any more equipement you think I need not that I really can get it now but over time...
2) 20 gallon with a aquaclear 70 hang on filter (300 gph) 1.5" of live course substrate still got another 20 lb bag. this is going to be my sps and clam tank. Im looking forward to buying 130 watt pc light Is that too much or not enough???
Now I know I dont have the best filters and equipment but please tell me that there are people out there that are successful with the same kind of setups. Ummmm Ill leave it at that for now all the help will be much appreciated and I hope its not too much


Active Member
umm seahorses need low flow and a lot of stuff to hang on to, you should have basically what all sw aquariums need for it.
For your sps and clam tank i am pretty sure u will need metal halide lighting, or really good t-5 lighting...


Yeah just the basic eclipse filtration I was thinking would be good... As far as lighting I was prepared to go for something like those but how many watts should I be looking for???


Would a 2 - 65 watt coralife compact Fluorescent fixture be enough or too much on my 20 gallon ??? Also would you pay $100 for 1 thats 6 months old???


Price doesn't sounds bad. How wide is your tank? I'll sell you a 36'' 2x96w PC fixture : )
Listen to the guys on here, if you want clams and SPS you may need MH or T5. JBJ makes a nice clip on 150w MH that might be perfect for you. Its called the Viper K2 or something of that sort.


I wish I had a 36" then haha, mines 24"!!! But would it be feasible to maintain anenomes, and soft corals such as mushrooms, polyps, clams and the such 130 watt pc???


I wish I had a 36" then haha, mines 24"!!! But would it be feasible to maintain anenomes, and soft corals such as mushrooms, polyps, clams and the such 130 watt pc???

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by airframer
But would it be feasible to maintain anenomes, and soft corals such as mushrooms, polyps, clams and the such 130 watt pc???
most soft corals such as mushrooms and palys will be fine, probably some zoas, GSP, most leathers. Clams no and most anemones no. I have kept condys and rock anemones with these lights in a 20 gallon.