NewB Lighting Question


New Member
Hi there I'm Ryan and I'm new to these boards. I got a 29gal tank I want to end up putting some nice LR in and when the time permits get a few anemones in also. I've read that the anemones need a better lighting system to keep em happy. I'm going with probably something like a Pink Tip or something in that line since I plan to get a clown fish one day. Just letting my tank cycle and naturally do it's thing. Til then I'm trying to buy all the equipment ahead of time before I actually get the fish I want in my tank. Just thought since waiting why not get ready. I bought one of those Combo kits from the LFS. Came with 29gal tank, stand, glass top, and a light housing. Skimmer and other accesories are planned ahead in a week or so. My question is, is the florescent bulb that came with the tank going to be adequate enough for the anemones or am I to buy a new light? Also can that housing handle a different bulb of higher intensity if thats the case? I just want to know if the housing is good and I just need to buy a different bulb or if I need to buy a new whole fixture with a better light. Also what are some recomendations on a 29gal with probably most 5-6 fishes and some nice rock and a few anemones? I'm not familiar with lighting what so ever so any input is greatly appreciated.

The housing specs from the back on it reads:
AllGlass Aquarium Inc.
30" 120volt 20watt 60hz


New Member
Ok thank basically the light the came with the tank is going to be just junked or stored since it's not going to be of any use? Also any reccomendations for lighting on a simple 29gal with a few anemones and about 15lbs-25lbs of LR? :notsure: whats the difference on the t-5 and the metals?


New Member
Anyone? The guy at the LFS said I can swap just the bulbs out to a different one...i'm confused now :help:


Active Member
HI Ryan! Welcome to the boards. Anenomes need STRONG lighting. Most suggest Metal halide fixtures. Google them. It's a common thought that most people have. Can my flourescent light support my anemone? The simple answer is NO. Anenomes are probably about the most light demanding out there. And unfortunatley local fish stores(LFS) dont seem to want to educate people in this. Also aneniomes require a mature tank. Most suggest around a year old. With prestine water paramaters. This is not to say that you cannot have one, but that for you're best benefit you research an anenomes need. The thing of the day as far as lighting goes are T5HO's google them. They are very powerful flourescent lights and most who have them swear by them. I have them myself and really like 'em but I dont have any anenomes. You might want to check out some powre compacts also. The general concenis(sp) is that thet work rather well for the price. You might as well if you're gonna have the cost of the lighting also think about getting some corals. There are alot of corals wich dont rquire nearly as much light as anenomes or clams do. And their really cool too.
Swapping the bulbs out will only waste you're money and LFS like that. Save you're light, you may want it later down the road if you get a sump or refugium.