Newb Question (Hydrometer)


New Member
Hi all,
I've been using a Marine Labs and Red Sea hydrometer for my testing and the readings they've givin me have been drastically different. I've gotten a 1.023 on one and then tested with the other and got 1.026. It's got me a little concerned about their accuracy. Can I get some feedback on a reliable Hydrometer that I should look into buying and if I should be so concerned? Thanks!!!!


Active Member
I've never like hydrometers, they're very touchy.
I'd recommend investing in a refractometer. They're much easier to use and more consistent.


I have a refractometer. It is so hassle free and way more reliable than a swing arm hydrometer. They sell them on this site for pretty cheap. well worth the money imo


you may have a bubble on the little arrow thing mine did that when i first got it you just have to tap the hydrm really hard on something to get ANY bubbles out