Newb questions for new 55 gal. saltwater.


Hey guys!
I have some newb questions for you for my new 55 gal. I need some help on what kind of lighting I will need and what the cheapest quality heater is.


First off i would say that you should read some books. one book that has really helped me alot is saltwater aquariums for dummies. the lightv depends on a lot of things. are you planning on a reef tank or a fish only tank?? if you want a reef tank, you are going to need some lights that are going to cost you a lot more than a fish only tank. as for a heater, i would say you can get a fairly cheap one, as long as it works well. maybe get two just in case one stops working.


I have a half reef/fish tank now well like a 20 gallon nano in a way. The lighting I have in it is Marine-Glo 15W (watch has been working fine for a year now) Do I have to buy a lunarlight of some sort?


Active Member
It depends on if you want corals or stuff like that. If you want corals the LPS and Soft corals will need PowerCompacts, VHO or T5 lighting that is gonna run you from $100 to $300 "depending on what and how many you buy". For SPS corals, Clams, And high light demanding anemones you need Metal Halide thats gonna run you around $300 to $500 "again depending on who makes it and what you buy".
For a heater I wouldnt go anything short than titanium it wont break for any reason! I have even heard of the unbreakable glass ones breaking. But titanium wont!! break.