newb to the aggresive scene


can i have a volitan lion, porcupine puffer, panther grouper,niger trigger and a snow flake all in the same tank ?
if u think i can what do you think the minium gal should be ?
btw i have a 30 gal laying around can that house the lion and the eel together ?


Depending on the size, those fish would likely be fine together. I'd do at least a 125 gallon tank. Take that 30 and make it into a refugium.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Depending on the size, those fish would likely be fine together. I'd do at least a 125 gallon tank. Take that 30 and make it into a refugium.

More like a 180! That panther and porc will get HUGE!


Active Member
I would think the Grouper would eventually eat the Snowflake. They have big BIG mouths. My girlfriend wants one but we only have a 100 gallon. Sounds similar to the fish I want though. Instead of a Grouper I want a Dragon Wrasse or a Foxface Lo, and instead of a Snowflake I want a Green Wolf Eel... LFS just got one and it's tiny...hoping I get my tanks set back up in time to put him on hold!


Active Member
Originally Posted by TexasMetal
I would think the Grouper would eventually eat the Snowflake. They have big BIG mouths. My girlfriend wants one but we only have a 100 gallon. Sounds similar to the fish I want though. Instead of a Grouper I want a Dragon Wrasse or a Foxface Lo, and instead of a Snowflake I want a Green Wolf Eel... LFS just got one and it's tiny...hoping I get my tanks set back up in time to put him on hold!
Actully depending on the size of the moray. If the snowflake moray is less then 10in then the 20'' incher grouper may eat it, may, its not very likely though


Active Member
Originally Posted by crashedin0
well for now the lion in the 30 with the ell as roomys?
That 30 CANNOT hold them for very long. Hopefully this is just a temporary thing (week or so) IMO they will not last long. That would be the same as you having to live in a closet packed full of clothes. Just my $.03


The panthers have small mouths so i think that for a while the eel would be ok, as long as its wider than a pencil. IMO


for the lion they have had him at the pet shop for 3 months in a 15 gal section on the wall of fish so to get rid of him they would let me get him at 15 bucks i figured that he would be happy in 30 with bout 10 pounds of rock forming a cave where i can toss a snow flake eel that is about as fat as a garden hose but if you guy recomend bigger i guess ill pass on the deal