newbe...HELP, fish seem stressed!!!


I am new to saltwater fishkeeping so bare with me. I just started a 55 gallon saltwater tank and I just added the fish today. I added a Royal Gramma which had been hiding in the rocks since I put it in and a Damsel fish which seems to be breathing a little fast. Could both these be a result from stress? And if so, is there anything I can do to relieve some of the stress? Any help would be greatly appreciated...Thanx :)
Welcome! You have to give your fish a chance to get use to its surroundings. It's normal for a fish to go into hiding for a couple of days even weeks so don't worry about that. As for the breathing hard, you have to give us more info. How did you introduce your fish to the tank? What are the water parameters? Give up a little more info and your questions will be answered shortly.
Here's a tip introduce your fish at night and cut the lights off that helps relieve stress.


It has been about 5 hours since I added the fish, I have had the tank running without any fish for about a week, and these are the first fish I have added since it's been running. Hope this additional info help... :)