Newbee Qstn on LR



I have a 55gl tank w/ two Emperor 400 hangon the back filters providing 800 gallons/per hr. of filtration. On the 18th I added 55lbs of LR which came encrushed with coralline (purple) algae as well as some green hair algae and little bits and pieces of other good looking LR stuff.
I've added an additional 24" light strip on each side along with the stand 24" strip which comes from a normal store bought 55gl tank. I'm starting to see the green hari like algae grow on my of the LR surfaces which I think is a good sign of a health tank but, a friend told me that the green hair-like algae is not desirable. I bought a yellow tang yesterday to help keep the growth down but he is more interested on the brown algae growing along with the coralline stuff.
So, my question is, should I be concerned about the green hair-like algae growning on the LR?
One other question, I would like to build up to a reef tank after my LR and fish only tank matures for about a year. I got a book which tells me most butterfly and angel fish will beat the heck out of a reef tank. Question, can I get butterflys and small angels now with my existing LR without being concerned about them destroying the coralline algae and stuff?
Thanks for your help...its great having this forum since there can be a great deal of info out there leading to confusion.


Active Member
yes, butterflies and angels are ok with lr and most will eat corals and inverts
but i would notadd them with the intention of replacing them
and tangs seem to not prefer the hair algae, especially if it is long, our algae blenny and some snails will eat it, if it is short(you can prune it), naother thing that may help(in the long term not overnite)is to keepyour calcium high, and increase your lighting, to try and keep your coraline growing,this will help to combat other algaes
hermits may also help, but you got to contol your hair algae, pulling the rock out and scrubbing it with a soft brush(toothbrush) is a good idea, but i would not do it inside of the tank


Active Member
try removing the alage with the edge of your fish net. Once it's detached just pull it out and if you get most of it out it should stop spreading. this algae is another part of the cycling process and is scary but normal.