Newbie Help Please


I was givin a 12g Nano cube and want to set it up as a saltwater tank. I'm going to use approx 24Lbs of live rock and also live sand. My questions are, how much live sand do I need and do I need a protien skimmer.?


Active Member
About 20 lbs would be more than enough, about 2 to 4 inch sand bed is what your shooting for.Goodluck! Todd


Active Member
The rule of thumb for Protein skimmers is, If theres fish get a skimmer. You could get by with out one, but there one of the Best filtration systems around! You might check into the Skilters or something like them. There kinda an all in one type filter, for such a small tank. And remeber this too, the smaller the tank the harder it is to keep the water just right, so just keep a close eye on your water parameters , and Have fun!!


I've only had my 40 gal up about 8 mos & I have a skilter it seems to work fine you do have to change the filters often and clean it out about every other water change.


This is probably going to sound like a dumb question, but what is a skilter? I've looked through all my fish books and can't find anything on this. Also do I need a power head or will a regular air pump work for such a small tank? :help:


Active Member
DO a Google search, you will find one. Its an all in one type filter system. Todd
very inexpensive too.


Active Member
Actually on a 12 gal. Nano i think the skilter will make enough water movement for ya. Go with a skilter, or what ever filter you go with, just make it a filter that is rated for say a 40 or 50 gal tank. that will give you the extra water movement you need. The hang on the back type filters vreate a pretty good current as long as nothing is in the way of the water flow. If you do have some dead spots, then you could get a really small pump. But most likely you wont need it. I dont have a single power pump on my 70 gal. but i have 3 hang on the back filters. Anyway goodluck! Todd