Newbie here - feeding question


Hey everyone - I just wanted to say hello and I'm really new at all of this. It's amazing to me how many different LFS tells me to do totally different things so I thought I would try this and get some experienced people's opinions.
We have a 45 gallon tank - it's been up for about 5 weeks now - we did have a 20 gallon tank for 3 months and switched everything over to this one- so far I have a scooter blenny, royal gramma, engineer goby, percula clownfish, 2 damsels, a condylactus anenome and a large fire shrimp. Everybody is doing really good so far - we did have a valentini puffer but I took him back because he was eating all my snails - even my turbo ones. I also had a canary blenny but he died and their giving me another one as soon as they get one in - they said he must have been weak? Anyways my question is - how much do I feed them and how often? One store told me once a day and another told me something different but I've been online trying to figure it out. So far I've been feeding them twice a day. They told me to feed them 1 frozen cube of spirulina brine shrimp each day but by night time they are swimming around like their starving. So I've been cutting that cube in half and feeding them once in the morning and once in the evening. So what do ya'll think? Am I doing it right or wrong? We eventually want to add some anenomes (which we're getting the glass top and a new light) a black & white clownfish, a blue hippo tang, a mimic tang (since I've read that the yellow tangs are sort of mean), and not sure what else. I know we have to do all of this slowly - any suggestions would be great!!


Active Member
fish can go a couple weeks without a meal so dont worry about underfeeding them.. Since your system is not mature yet I wouldnt feed them more than once every couple of days.. and I would stick to flake food.. Just a pinch full should do it.. rule of thumb is what they can eat in 2 mins.


I asked my store about flake food and they told me to feed them this instead of flake food - and they eat all of that food in about 2-3 min.


Active Member
Thats ok to feed them though the flake food adds things like garlic which keep the fish healthy.... I wouldnt feed them more than one of those cubes a day though.. Even if your fish are good beggers :)


Is that what their doing, is begging? That is hilarious! They are so cool - I just love them. Well I tell you one thing - the flake food would be alot easier than that nasty stinky frozen food!! haha Which flake would you feed them? All of them could eat the same thing? What did you think about putting the other fish in my tank? How long should I wait to add another one? Anenomes? Any suggestions?


Active Member

Originally posted by NE
Is that what their doing, is begging? That is hilarious! They are so cool - I just love them. Well I tell you one thing - the flake food would be alot easier than that nasty stinky frozen food!! haha Which flake would you feed them? All of them could eat the same thing? What did you think about putting the other fish in my tank? How long should I wait to add another one? Anenomes? Any suggestions?

I am really fond of the formula One foods.. Ive been using it for a couple years now and my fish love it. Oh yes they beg! They will swarm to the glass when they see you coming!!
Im not a big fan of anenomes but if you add one make sure you have good lighting. There are lots of posts about lighting requirnments for anenomes on the forum.
As for adding fish. I added one fish per month until I got to the max fish load for my size tank. Quick rule on that is one inch of fish per gallon..


Just out of curiousity - why don't you like anenomes? I've been researching the lighting. There's just so much to do with a saltwater tank but I do love it. I didn't think that I could get so attached to fish.:joy:


Active Member

Originally posted by NE
Just out of curiousity - why don't you like anenomes? I've been researching the lighting. There's just so much to do with a saltwater tank but I do love it. I didn't think that I could get so attached to fish.:joy:

Oh this is a very addictive hobby indeed :)


New Member
use 1 inch of fish per gallon for freshwater, with saltwater the rule of thumb is 1 inch of fish per 5 gallons
take it slow


I appreciate the replys. I think I'm going to try feeding them a half of a cube of brine shrimp in the morning and then flake food at night. I'm going to do a small water change next week and watch the tank for a little bit then maybe see about adding something else. I also think we're going to invest in our lights on monday.