Newbie here: opinions on my fish list?


Hi! I'm new here but have been absorbing info from these forums like a sponge and I think I am ready to take the plunge into a FOWLR and live sand tank. I had an initial list of fish that I really wanted, but after doing some forum searches, I realized that a clown trigger, lion fish, puffer, red angler, and clown fish probably would not work out

Here is my new list, please tell me what you think:
1 coral beauty
1 flame angel
2 percula clowns
1 long nose butterfly
1 SF moray
1 two spot goby
1 powder blue or purple tang
1 picasso trigger
I am planning on an 80 gallon. I know this may seem like alot of fish for an 80 gallon, but I tried to pick fish that don't get too big (except the eel lol), like the dwarf angels, clowns, and goby which all stay really small. 80 gallon would be alright wouldnt it? If not, what minimum size would you reccomend?
I LOVE the clown and picasso triggers, but after a little research I have come to the conclusion that the Picasso does better with other fish. If I introduced the picasso last and he was smallest, could he live with the dwarf angels when he got bigger without eating them? If not, I was thinking about a dwarf lion, but he may do the same thing.
This would be my alternative:
1 yellow tang
1 powder blue or purple tang
1 sf moray
1 picasso
2 percula clowns
(would I have enough room for a butterfly as well?)
Let me know what you think! Thanks!


Active Member
Dont think Flame and Coral will get along.....both angels. I know you can keep them together if the tank is big enough but the size im not sure about.


as long as they dont kill each other :D with enough LR and an 80 gallon they should be able to stay out of each others way probably, right?


wow thanks for the great info!
I kind of knew that about the trigger but I thought if maybe I introduced him last when he was really small it might work. Are yellow and blue tangs easier to keep than purple and powder blue?
Is it at all possible for the picasso to get along with the others if introduced last when it is smallest? If there is a chance, I'd like to take it, and I can always exchange him for an angel or something if his disposition changes.
How many chromies for a shoal? and they wouldn't get eaten by anything?
also, if I went with a dwarf lion instead of the trigger, would it eat the flame angel or goby?


Must agree with jwtrojan. That picasso is cute and puppy-like at first, but will be far too aggressive when he puts on size (which is usually quite quickly). I fell for a picasso too, and that prompted me to buy another tank (for seperate reef and aggressive setups). Im planning on the same eel and trigger for that tank. No way Id risk those two guys with your other livestock choices. As for the tangs, blue hippos and purples tend to get fairly large and 80 gallons is a bit small for them... 100 gal should be a minimum for those guys. 120 is even better. A yellow tang might do nicely though, or perhaps you should consider a foxface lo (thats what I chose)... great fish, awesome personality, basically a tang with butterfly markings and venomous spines (although non aggressive veggie eater). I believe theres a pic here on this site.


Thanks for the informative replies :) The trigger is really what I want the most, I have read that it is not all that rare for picassos to get along with clowns and dwarf angels, but if for some reason he gets nasty I will trade him for a dwarf lion. Ok, maybe this will remedy some of the afore mentioned problems with the first list:
-Replace 1 of the dwarf angels with a hawk fish
-Get a yellow tang instead of blue/purple cause they are smaller and easier to take care of
-Replace the delicate butterfly with 3 dottybacks of various species
would the dottybacks and hawkfish get along with the clowns and flame angel if provided with enough LR/caves? will various species dottybacks get along with each other?

chris a h

I'm a newbie to salt water fish keeping, so pardon my two cents. If your really set on a trigger I'd do a trigger and maybe one other fish. 80 gallons just isn't that big of a tank when you consider the bioload and territory needs of large, aggressive fish.