Newbie Here



Greetings all,
I just recently got into the saltwater scene, and over the weekend setup my first 100 gal., FOWLR tank, with some LR, and last night after lights out, I went to check how things were looking, and to my surprise I seen a creature on a LR in tank,, I have treid to get the best pic, considering the LR is in middle of tank, and this creature is on the backside, so I ZOOMED in w/ cam, and I was wondering if someone can help me in ID of this creature, and give some information. Thanks in advance..
It moves from time to time, and any help would be much appreciated..


Active Member
They are a nuisance to most people and definately in a reef. They are filter feeding little anemone's that spread quickly and can sting corals... but if your only doing FOWLR and don't mind them they have been kept by a few people.


what are the pros and cons of this in my FOWLR?
Should I be concerned, and do major removal?
I am looking into it, just would like more professional, and experienced feedback on this situation..
Thanks again for prompt response, and I'll be awaiting on more info..