newbie needs help


New Member
my lfs said that our new blue fin angel died in 2 days because of a low ph.(ph burn) although, our percula clowns that we added atleast a month prior are still doing fine. so, is the starfish we added the same day as the angel. we have maybe 15 pounds of live rock. when we received the fish i told my husband that it had a small white blotch behind the side fin. they told him it was a scratch. the next day it had more blotching till the following day when it struggled at the bottom of the tank and died. my lfs told us to use this marine buffer ph 8.3 product and reef builder that raises carbonates. we were already using this kent essential elements. are we being led a stray? what do you think caused the fish to die? should would use these products? please help a newbie.