Newbie New Tank Pic


New Member
So i just set up my first saltwater tank 14 Gal BioCube. I have had all the fish in for about two weeks so far so good. Let me know what you guys think?


Active Member
Tank looks great, but honest opinion here....get rid of the two large shells up front. I tried this at first also, thinking it fits into the "ocean appearance", but it really takes away from the tank and also they will be a magnet for algea and crud growing all over them.


Originally Posted by ac408
Thanks Guys!!! any idea what the coral is on the left hand side on the bottom?
the top one is zoanthids the bottom one I am not sure of....maybe a small frogspawn, kinda hard to tell from the pic. Do you have a close up?
does it look something like this
Attachment 225225


New Member
good tip on the shells I will take them out tonight. The coral i have on the right is a frogspawn the one on the left bottom side I am not that sure of. I will try to see if I can get a closer pic of it.


New Member
This is what i got so far:
3 snails
1 cleaner shrimp
2 clowns
4 hermit crabs
I am thinking of getting one more fish just not sure what will fit in with the rest of them?
I wanted a blue tang but after reading on these forums that seems like a big no no with a 14 gal tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ac408
This is what i got so far:
3 snails
1 cleaner shrimp
2 clowns
4 hermit crabs
I am thinking of getting one more fish just not sure what will fit in with the rest of them?
I wanted a blue tang but after reading on these forums that seems like a big no no with a 14 gal tank.
sorry bro